- Sku: pd38485
MDC Smart Collar Cat 14-22cm
Product description
The Smartcollar is a safe and humane method of preventing animals from aggravating a healing wound or injury. Safe, lightweight and translucent, the Smartcollar also has a padded neckline so there is no need to attach it to the dog's usual collar. The leather padding also covers the outer edge of the collar which not only protects furnishings around the home, but people's legs too! The only Elizabethan collar available with this feature. Simple to fit and easily adjustable, the Smartcollar comes in 5 sizes. Size 1 = 16-25cm Size 2 = 25-31cm Size 3 = 31-40cm Size 4 = 40-56cm Size 5 = 56-66cm A cascading display stand is also available. * Light * Comfortable * Translucent * Simple to fit * Easy to adjust * Only 5 sizes
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MDC Smart Collar Cat 14-22cm