- Sku: 791338
Strikeback Rapid Action Flea Killer 600ml
Product description
Strikeback Rapid Action Flea Killer Spray can be used throughout the home on carpets and soft furnishings to kill fleas fast!
This super strength, fast flushing product has an instant knock down effect and provides long lasting residual control.
This product can be used on hard, porous and non-porous surfaces also hard and soft furnishings.
Ingredients: Active ingredients: Pyrethrins 0.20% w/w and Cypermethrin 0.12% w/w.
Fleas can be a real problem when they invade a household and its inhabitants, an adult flea will live only about a week without blood from its host, while a flea larva can live several months.
This means getting rid of fleas is trickier than you first think, firstly dust and hoover the carpet, the furniture, the bed, the dog or cat's bed to make sure you loosen any unsuspecting larve/eggs.
You must then treat your house and your pet with flea treatment in order to eradicate the pesky fleas.
The Strikeback Rapid Action Flea Killer Spray can be used throughout the home on carpets and soft furnishings to kill fleas fast!
This super strength, fast flushing product has an instant knock down effect and provides long lasting residual control.
Approved for professional and amateur use, this water based aerosol, containing natural permethrins for rapid action, kills fleas and many other insect pests.
This product can be used on hard, porous and non-porous surfaces also hard and soft furnishings.
-Not for use on clothing and human bedding.
-This product is Extremely Flammable the pressurised container may burst if heated, keep away from heat and keep out of reach of children.
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Strikeback Rapid Action Flea Killer 600ml